Importance of Resource Sharing in The Language Classroom

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"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose". Zora Neale Hurston

Technology is spawning brand new in different method as it changes in the way we learn. 

Resource Sharing is a term used to refer sharing information through file access using a multiple administrative domains which allows users to operate.
Technology is everywhere, interlacing in almost every part of our life. Consequently, in the world we live in, is very common to share information through different devices such as files, data, multimedia, printers, fax machines and scanners, which facilitate our life easier. But, no only resource sharing exists to give us a sense of technology. In effect, this kind of evolution in a positive way allows educators around the world using technology into the classroom as a valuable learning tool.
Resource Sharing far from being just a network share, for educational purposes, is a very useful computer resource made available to provide                                   teaching and learning information, providing an effective way to collect, organize and share information with others, as a cooperative learning, users also can work in the same place, at the same time, but on their own computer giving students the chance to interact with their classmates more, by collaboration works.
 Nowadays, I think that the way in which the modern education has grown, integrating technology into the classroom is a excellent educational technique.
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As a model for classroom use, exist different resources sharing that provide some parameter that can be used at classroom to facilitate educators teaching such as, google drive which is a free way to keep files and share it, also there are some platform that are very common in the classroom because, allow students prepare, receive, edit information at same time, for example Spider.Scribe,, and CmapTools  which prepare students for a great way to reach diversity in learning styles teaching them in an interactive and attractive form.
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Technology helps the teachers prepare students for the real world environment, being capable to become more technology dependent in a positive way.

I consider that the traditional learning mold has been broken, nowadays, with technology in the classroom professors and students are able to access quicker and easier than ever before, for example  one of the most common platform used in the classroom is Google Classroom, this platform was developed by Google for schools, to simply creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way, its means that students are able to post materials, edit information, add or remove, and also they can receive instructions for the class, including syllabus, grading policy, classroom rules, and so on.

Giving users access in a quickly way at any time.
As an example, I will share a interesting video taken from internet that explain more about what Google Classroom means, and how does it work ...

Well, to sum up, the way in which learn has being changed during the last years, Resource Sharing can be used as a tool for any educational area, remember are freely, when using properly, can improve student and teacher´s knowledge. 

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  1. Your blog is very interesting, and I do agree with it. Nowadays, technology is becoming as one of the most important tool that we can use in our classrooms. I like the fact that you can handle those tools from different places, and many people can interact at the same time. It means that it's not necessary to be at the same place and at the same time working on a project. Sharing resources can be adjusted to our schedules.

  2. Resource Sharing is an important division that represent an utility to the teacher and students with the technology is an excellent source to you in classroom to teach in which facilitate a wide information like Internet. Also, another platform for example drive that mention before. All of this, is rapids development of the education, the language teaching is facing more pressure.

  3. Teachers have a large variety of teaching tools that they can use in the class and resource sharing is one of the most recent option available is this new digital era.
    Nowadays, the use of technology in a language classroom has become an indispensable factor in the teaching language processs. For this reason, this computer resource has been created in order to give students the facilitate to collect, organize and share information with others. We think that this kind of tool is helpful because increase the cooperative learning and also makes students capable to manage new technology strategies.


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